a selection of my editing projects
Sensory Field Notes: The Diary of a Dark Store Worker
I co-edited this diary with creative studio affect lab’s founder Dr. Natalie Dixon. There are 11 vignettes about an anonymous Dark Store Worker’s (DSW) sensory experiences in large warehouses from where we order groceries and get them delivered to our door step almost daily. The diary shows the other side of things, and tries to navigate through “disquieting new urban imaginaries.” It’s a well thought-out publication from its conception, writing to illustrations.
client / affect lab
Hybrid Spaces
I copyedited the Hybrid Spaces publication which is based on a year-long experimental research project that uncovered the “hybrid” through dance and gossip. The studio, affect lab, explored how people create connections across physical and virtual environments. And most importantly, how intimacy and connection is an urgent need for humans, especially during the pandemic, and will continue to be so in post-pandemic realities.
graphic by Koos Groenewald
Shot Theory: From Viagra to the COVID-19 Vaccine, Pfizer Got it Right
I edited INC’s long-form article written by Donatella Della Ratta about the pandemic and data culture. She maps out how data culture has evolved over time through the metaphor of the ‘shot’ – a figurative device which helps us (re)think how the relationship between violence and visibility has developed in the past decades.
client / institute of network cultures (INC)
“On the social web, spreadability equals viral contagion. It follows the Darwinian imperative of the survival of the fittest. Information comes closer to genetics, or to memetics – defined by biologist Richard Dawkins as the study of cultural reproduction based on an analogy with the Darwinian concept of evolution. For Dawkins, a meme is a ‘unit of culture’ hosted and carried by an individual, which can reproduce itself into a new host following a process of viral contagion. ‘Life is just bytes and bytes and bytes of digital information,’ he writes. And people are spreaders of this vital information.”
The Sundial Journal
I was the co-Thoughts Editor for this UK-based online magazine for one year from 2020-2021. Sundial is a place for young people to write honestly on all things, from global news, to what’s trending on Twitter. It is a platform that welcomes young people of all backgrounds and experiences. I reviewed submissions for the Thoughts (opinion) section, commissioned pieces for publication, edited the articles, and finalised the drafts with images. Sundial is a thoughtfully curated and easily accessed publication worth reading.
client / the sundial journal
The Commerce Tech Newsletter
I was the Editorial Coordinator for the newsletter for about five months in 2021-2022, beginning from its inception. CommerceTech is a publication focused on studying the eCommerce industry and spotlighting the companies transforming it run by Ali Afridi, former Principal at Equal Ventures. I edited the writers’ briefs, who covered startups across the world from various sectors ranging from grocery delivery apps to educational ventures. I also created the publication’s style guide as a basis for current and future writers. A great resource into the venture world!
client / commerce tech